Sunday, January 31, 2010

One Month

I have achieved one twelfth of my 2010 write every day.

So, what did I do today? I didn't finish the mittens I started yesterday. I did sort through some magazines, did some dishes, kept the wood stove stoked up and cooked dinner. I also finished reading a book I started yesterday, Abandon. It's a modern day story with a parallel story in the late 1800's. It takes place in Colorado and involves a group of people going to an old ghost town to investigate why the entire population disappeared on Christmas Day. It was moderately interesting; interesting enough to keep me reading anyway.

There is no school tomorrow which is why "lesson plans" is missing from my "done" list. I will do them tomorrow although I would be very surprised if we go back to school before at least Wednesday. Normally they give us a 2 hour delay if there is a patch of ice somewhere in town, and the roads are still covered with stuff, apparently today it was slush, but since the temperature is supposed to be 10 degrees tonight, it will all be ice.

I know that we will end up losing most of our spring break for this, but I am not going to worry. I am just going to enjoy the time off.

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