Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Some Good, More Bad

The good is that the person who bid on my Ebay auction and had neither communicated with me nor paid finally paid, so now I don't have to relist the items.

The bad is that Jason did not get the job he was poised to take; the company lost half of their business from a very large client, and they had to rescind the job offer. Not only was this a crushing blow to him but also to Rachel. She is so lonely there without him and it is difficult financially with two apartments and two sets of utilities.

It is difficult to stay positive in light of such disappointing news, but he will make a great employee for someone, and I know he will eventually land a job. But right now they are both very disappointed. And I am disappointed as well. I am a firm believer though in looking on the bright side of life. A door shuts, another door shuts, eventually a door opens. And you go through. It all works to shape our life experience and help us grow to be better and wiser.

And as disappointing as this is, there are a lot of people in Haiti right now who have lost their home, their friends, their families...everything. And I have to think that as difficult as it is for Rachel and Jason, they still have so much.

A friend at church lost her daughter this past fall. She died from an allergic reaction after she injected what she thought was a drug that she and her boyfriend were using. They were both drug researchers. I never met Carrie, but by all accounts she was brilliant, a brilliant researcher with her PhD; an exceptional person and liked by everyone who knew her.

I'm thinking about her because she would have been 30 this coming Saturday; only four months older than Rachel. I still have my daughter and Marianne doesn't.

When I was talking to Rachel earlier, she said that life is not fair.

No, it's not. Life is never going to be fair, but fortunately we are more than that. We can get up and keep going. When we miss our boyfriend; when we miss out on a job; when we lose a child; when our country loses many children.

No, it definitely isn't fair. But good or bad, it's just life.

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