Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho....

I went to work today. I actually got some things done, but I felt a little off....a little headachy, not sick but just not great.

After work I went to the library and checked out two books, which are in the den and whose titles I can't remember. I fixed dinner (chicken, couscous and zucchini & carrots) and did about 5 minutes of work for school tomorrow. I just had to laminate something.

Andrea Horne's mother is in the hospital in Raleigh; she had called this house this morning and left a message to put her mom on the prayer list, so I spent some time calling the appropriate people and and trying to get in touch with Andrea to see how things are going. She broke her hip. So Andrea, my prayers are with you.

On my work this morning I went through McDonald's to get an Egg McMuffin and when I got up to the window to pay, Mark (the owner, who goes to my church) told me that the person in front of me had paid for mine! It was Teresa Price (also from our church). That was so sweet of her and I was so surprised that it didn't even occur to me that I could pay for the person behind me until I had pulled away.

There is a warm fire that I need to add wood too, and then I think it will be warm bath, reading and bed. I would stay in the den for a while but I usually don't like whatever Neal is watching on tv so it's annoying to be in there!

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