The reason my assistant was out is because her husband had carpal tunnel surgery but he came through the surgery very well. We were all relieved with that. It's not a complicated surgery but any surgery can become complicated.
We had groups of teacher from Cabarrus County come tour our Pre-K program today. I enjoyed their visit and they seemed to like the things we were doing; one person even took a photo of my lesson plans to take back and share!
About 12:45 today I had a call from the office that the mother of one of my students was in the office and wanted to talk to me. I actually wanted to talk to her too because her child had the same clothes on today for the third day in a row and his behavior has been very challenging lately (including him and his brother getting written up for fighting on the bus). But she was very sad and had come to tell me that the boy is going to Mexico with his father and may not be back to school. The paternal grandfather is very ill so the dad is going. The reason he is taking my student with him is because of their four children, this is the one that gives the mother the most trouble so she feels that she can't handle all four of them by herself. Also, the dad doesn't have papers so the mother is worried that he won't even be able to get back, although he feels that he won't have any trouble getting back.
So, now the child's behavior has become a little more clear to me. Also the mom goes to work very early in the morning and the dad has to get the children ready, so that might be the reason for the dirty clothes. The mom told me that she and her husband have been so preoccupied with their troubles lately that they probably haven't been giving the children as much attention as they should.
This family is really on my heart now. The mom kept wiping away tears as she was leaving the school; I know she must be feeling so sad that she doesn't know when her son will return and she doesn't know if her husband will. After school I went grocery shopping and as I was loading up my cart, I kept wondering if the mom is able to get enough food for her children.
I will miss this little boy. For all of his difficult behavior, he really touches our hearts because my assistant and I have both felt that he didn't get a lot of attention at home. My assistant takes time to read a book with him every day. We can hold his pre-K spot for one month, but if he isn't back in that time, we will have to fill it with someone else. I hope he'll be back.
We went out to eat dinner at Shotos (a "Japanese" restaurant in town that is really not very good) for my father-in-law's birthday; he is turning 83. We're not sure when his actual birthday is. We think it is the 29th. The story is that he was actually born on one day but his birth certificate has a different date and the two dates are a week apart. We think the actual date is next Friday! My mother and father-in-law are both in poor health. Each time I see them I wonder if they will be here at this time next year. In contrast, my mom, who is a year younger, does tai chi, carrys meals on wheels, is active with her church senior group and likes to go on bus tours. I guess part of the difference is good diet, different attitudes and just plain old luck.
Sometimes I feel like I am too lucky and it can't last. I see people having all kinds of problems and I seem to slide through unscathed. But then, when I stop to think about it, I have had my share of problems too, I am just aware that it could always be so much worse. So, I do think I am lucky.
I got two bumper stickers for my car today; I ordered them. Now I am going to have to take two off because I think I am at my sticker allotment. Which will be the two to go? The Obama sticker...hmmm....I think that may have to stay. Anyway, here are pictures of my new bumper stickers.

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