Saturday, January 28, 2012

A New Year, Again

Since my post last fall I have had shoulder surgery for tears in my rotator cuff and bicep tendons and also to remove bone spurs.

I always thought of bone spurs as something that looked like a spur but when I saw the pictures of my surgery, I realized it is a term for nothing more than extra bone where it shouldn't be. So, I am recovering from the surgery and I am at the end of week 3 from 4 weeks off from work.

I can't drive yet and I can't lift my arm, which means I can't do much of anything other than read, be on the computer or watch tv. If I go out anywhere I have to wear my sling to keep me from accidentally trying to use my arm.

I go back to the doctor next Friday, Feb. 3. I am scheduled to return to work on the 6th, so I hope he tells me it's ok to drive. Otherwise someone will have to come pick me up each day.

So, I guess I will go indulge in my favorite past-time...taking a hot bath. Also one of the few things I am allowed to do and since I have a lovely new bathroom in which to bathe, it is a true pleasure.