Here's what happened. Normally we keep Marmalade confined to the sunroom during the day because he and Styles do NOT get along and Styles spends a lot of his time stalking Marmie and then there will be a screaming fight with actual fur flying, etc. So, we just keep them apart.
I thought that maybe Marmie would like to trade places with Styles and let him be confined to the sunroom for a day, so Neal and I each got hold of a cat and traded places.
Apparently Marmalade was not happy with the arrangement because a short time later I walked into my bathroom floor only to find that he had peed all over it. It was back to the sunroom for him!
So, Neal and I cornered him in the dining room and I grabbed him. He promptly began to scream and struggle. I held on tight...and that's when he played his winning card and bit the crap out of me. On two hands! In multiple places.
And, to add insult to the very real injury, the worst bite was on my right hand...the one that is hurting day and night because of my carpal tunnel. The one that I will have surgery on in 10 days.
So, as soon as I could slow the bleeding down, I grabbed a towel first and we did it all again. He tried but with that towel thrown over him and protecting me, his efforts were in vain.
He is confined to the sunroom for the rest of his life. But isn't it hard to believe that this sweet, innocent looking cat could be so vicious?

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