Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Taxman Cometh

We got to get our taxes done tomorrow. I don't know why we put this off for so long...we don't even have that much stuff to get together anymore. I hope we don't have to pay...I think it will be close this year.

Got my new camera today. Well, it's not really mine because it is the camera I bought to replace my school camera which I ruined when I dropped it into a puddle at the beach. I tried it out right away by taking pictures of Anne and Bryan cooking dinner. Of course they posed for me.

Well, I don't have that much more to say. I feel kind of tired. I will probably go to bed earlier tonight. The last couple of nights I have gotten to bed closer to 11:00 and I kept yawning all day today. Plus I am out of my regular 12 hour chlortrimeton and the stuff you take more frequently isn't doing enough to kick my allergies. The inside of my nose feels like....well, I was going to say a mine field...things constantly exploding, but I have no idea what that is like, so I'll just say it is feeling extremely allergic.

Gosh, I know why no one reads my blog! It's a good thing I don't expect to have any readers!

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