I wondered why I had the piano on one side of the table in the sunroom and the seating area on the other side. It didn't really make sense, so I put the piano down by the seating area and kind of used it as a divider between the two areas. I like it, but now I need some large lamp shades so I can hang the lights over the dining room table. I couldn't hang them over before because the table was partly under the ceiling fan. So, I am seeing a trip to Ikea in my very near future.
I didn't take a before picture, but here are a couple of after pictures, including Styles stalking
I also spent quite a bit of time emptying out,
dusting and then moving the large bookcase cabinet in my bedroom. I moved it beside the fireplace. I have plans to put my dresser in it's place and then in the empty corner, eventually get a chair and stool (or chaise) for a reading corner. (Yes, Ikea has just what I need!)
Tomorrow I hope to get to the dresser. Several of the drawers need some repair so this will be the perfect time to do it.
I am going to Tracy's daughter Kathryn's birthday party at 1:00, so I need to get up and get busy in the morning.
We were out of school again today. It snowed some during the night and it turned to rain/sleet. We were projected to receive significant icing today but it didn't really happen. So, this is the fourth day we have missed; our three make-up days have been used, so who knows what will replace this day. It was nice to have the time off. I could get used to this!
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