Saturday, February 27, 2010
Just Saturday
Mom came by to visit this morning. She had some tea. I showed her pictures from Multicultural Night and Wendy's son's wedding.
There were so many dishes in the sink this morning that it was unbearable to me so I finished loading the dishwasher and then washed the rest of them by hand. I discovered that the octopus hanger with the little hooks makes a good thing to dry plastic bags on.
Yes, I do wash out ziploc bags...if they are not too gross. It seems like such a waste to use one and then just toss it out, for all that plastic to go to the landfill. So, I wash them out and hang them up to dry.
I washed the cot sheets and cleaned a little in my room. Neal had an enormous pile of clothes, which I showed to my mom. Sometimes I want to show people what living with him is like just so they won't think I am a giant bitch when I complain!
Anyway, I am soooooo tired of his big mess everywhere that I told him if the clothes weren't gone by this evening (and I didn't mean tossed in the closet) that I was putting them on the front porch. So, he folded them.
I hate to sound like that, but I am not really sure what other option I have unless I just want to live with it. I have tried ignoring it, hiding it, doing them for him...but nothing matters. Nothing makes a difference. He just tosses them on the floor...dirty on one side, clean on the other. So at least tonight, they are not in the floor. For one night.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Multi-Cultural Night on No Sleep
I also supplied the vast majority of the materials for the Mexican exhibit too. I'll post some pictures later on but tonight I am actually tired and I might be able to get some sleep.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Feeling Pretty Good
I always set up the table from Germany since Neal's and the girl's ancestors are from there and since Rachel lived there for a year AND since I have some stuff from there.
I am also providing most of the stuff for the Mexican display although one of our ESL teachers, David Krank will be stationed there. At least he speaks fluent Spanish even though he doesn't look at all Hispanic, which he isn't.
So, I am about to take my very tired self to bed....
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sick Again!
So, the doctor's office said to come at 2:15 and they would work me in and by 3:40 I was signing for my Prednisone at the pharmacy.
Dr. Dellinger said that it seems to just be a mild case of allergic bronchitis. I blew about 400 on the peak flow meter (500 would be better, 200 bad) but I just keep having to cough and my lungs feel raw. He said the Prednisone should help; that my bronchial tubes appeared to be really inflamed and this will help that.

Picked up some Sudafed when I got my prescription.
So, now I think I will pretty much head for bed; read some; hope to sleep the night away and show up all bright eyed and bushy tailed for work tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Book Club

Monday, February 22, 2010
Chinese Food...the Perfect End to a Day

I think there is even enough to take to work tomorrow for lunch.
So, my newest student Omar started today. He is practically perfect! On the first day he had already learned to carry his name tag from center to center and put it in the correct place. As much as I like the three students I have gotten to replace the ones who have left, I really hope I don't have anymore changes for the rest of the year. I'm really glad they are getting to come to preschool, but they all have a lot to learn and there is less than four months to go.
I am going to bed soon even though it is only 8:15 because I want to read some more of The Time Traveler's Wife. The more I think about it, the more I feel that the book really is better than the movie and that the movie would be difficult to understand without having first read the book.
So, I guess I'll check for my Scrabble turns, do a quick glance at a couple of the blogs I read and then it's off to beddy-bye.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Sunday Blahs
I pretty much have zero motivation to do anything today. My hand hurts whenever I try to do something. I cooked dinner tonight and that was enough, just cutting up some vegetables and opening a can of pasta sauce. I do hope I can have the surgery soon and get healed up. I am ready to feel ok again.
So, I only did a lesson plan for tomorrow instead of the entire week. And I did do the things I needed to do to get ready for my new student Omar. And wash the cot sheets. But I am feeling pretty blah and just don't feel like doing the entire week. I can do it tomorrow after team meeting.
I plan to work late each day this week to get my progress reports written. I am going to have to type them because it hurts too much to write. But that's ok...once I get them written and when I find out when the surgery will be, I can schedule conferences.
So I think that I'll give up on work for now, go to bed and read. And hope that unlike most Sunday nights, I can sleep tonight!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Movie Night
Could Rachel McAdams get any prettier?

Now to bed and to finish reading my book for the library book club this coming Tuesday; Hotel at the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. It is just ok, but it does talk about the Japanese internment camps during the II World War. Horrible. I just don't think our country ever learns.
Friday, February 19, 2010
New Student
So maybe now my class will stay constant now for the rest of year. It will be nice to not have any new students, although Jessica is fitting in well. She and Angel played together a lot today and she chased him all over the playground. He ran up to me and out of breath said "I think we are playing tag."
Sarah's friend Scout is over tonight and she asked if I was the same Debbie Leonard that posts on the Dispatch message board. She used to post on there as Luna and I remember her! She has some of the same opinions of many of the posters on there that I do...narrowminded and bigoted!
I saw the orthopedic surgeon today and I am going to have carpal tunnel surgery but I don't know when; it will be on a Thursday and they'll call me with the day. He said I should be able to go back to work on the next Monday or maybe Tuesday. He said that some of the problem in my hand is from arthritis which can also be addressed through surgery but he said that we needed to take care of the carpel tunnel first and see what we had after that heals. He told me that my left hand actually had worse arthritis than my right and that the pain I am feeling in the left is from the arthritis.
It is so much fun getting old!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I Lost Another One...
I am so sad about losing Christian. He was a little problematic because his behavior wasn't very good, but he was so smart and there was just something about him that was so appealing.
The reason that he went to Mexico with his father was because he was the worst behaved in the family and the mother couldn't handle all four children here by herself, so the dad took him. The mom was so sad when she came to tell us back in January; she kept wiping tears from her eyes.
What a terrible situation; this family is as poor as can be and then the husband has to leave to be with his father. The husband doesn't have papers so I don't even know if he can get back here and Christian doesn't have a passport, so I don't know if he can get back either. So now the mom is here with three of the children and no husband.
I sent Christian's portfolio and Valentines home with his brother today. I was tempted to take the stuff by his house but I was afraid that I might cry. I will miss that little guy and I really, really hope things go ok for the family.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ash Wednesday
Anyway, I missed not going. There is just something about getting the ashes on my forehead that is very meaningful to me. The whole concept of ashes to ashes....but I hit the couch soon after I got home and have only gotten off to eat and now to post this blog.
I go to the doctor on Friday about my carpal tunnel. Tonight when I was undressing I caught my thumb in my pants and it was insane how much it hurt. I need relief from it. Neal has been taking care of the wood stove duties, otherwise it would be hurting much more.
Matthew 6:19-21:19. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; 20. but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It's not so much the good evaluation, although of course I am pleased...job security, but what really means a lot is that she notices and appreciates what I am doing in the classroom.
Not only does she understand and appreciate what I am doing, she sees the students making progress. I am my own worse critic and I always, always look at my shortcomings and how I could do a better job. Yet, when I really stop and reflect about the students, I see the progress that so many of them have made. It's hard sometimes to accept the hand that my assistant and I have had in that progress because I want so much more for them, but at the same time it is gratifying to see them learn and grow.
My principal also commented about how the students moved around the room so well and that the noise level was appropriate. This has taken a lot of work; this class took longer than many to learn the routines and to conduct themselves appropriately. I'm glad they are moving in the right direction.
She also had so many nice things to say about Tracy; all well-deserved. You cannot be as good of a teacher without a good assistant and I am so thankful for her.
I can't be satisfied with just good observations and think that I am doing such a great job though. I really believe that when a teacher begins to think she is all that, that is when she needs to retire!
Monday, February 15, 2010
It's Only Monday?
But, last night, even though I went to bed kind of late (after 11:00 PM), I was sleeping very well until something after 1:00 AM, when Martha woke me up pawing my face and wanting who knows what.
She refused to get back under the covers and snuggle, so I ejected her from our room shortly after. She wasn't happy about it; she was meowing and clawing; I'm sure she thought Styles was in the den, but he was in Sarah's room, since Anne wasn't here.
I didn't have much trouble going back to sleep, but still, I was sleeping quite soundly until she woke me up.
Today one of my students told us that this mother hurt him and he did have an injury on his head. He told the exact same story to me, Tracy, Tami and the guidance counselor. In a case like this, social services has to be notified. I'm sure the mother didn't deliberately hurt the child; it sounds like the mom was angry at another sibling and the child got in the way, but that is irrelevant. She could have seriously injured either one of them.
I took my homemade candy to school and it was a hit with the people who ate it. Tami especially loved the raspberry chocolate.
Well, it is off for a warm bath and bed. It is cold, drizzly and miserable outside. A nice warm bath, a nice warm bed...what more can you want. I am so lucky. I think of those who don't even have basic shelter and I am reminded of all I have for which to be thankful.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I Forgot to Post...
So, the candy. I made salted caramels dipped in dark chocolate, raspberry truffles and toffee bites. Now I don't even want to see or taste candy and my hubby bought me a box of candy for Valentine's Day!
The candy making was labor intensive and not that satisfying, so I doubt I will ever do it again except for the caramels. And I won't dip them in chocolate, I'll put the chocolate in them.
So, I had a conversation with my mom yesterday. She said that she didn't really like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. all that much. She said that she knew he had done some good things but she didn't like all his womanizing. Then she proceeded to tell me that she heard Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had broken up and how she was so sad to hear it because she really liked them.
I didn't want to point out to her the ridiculousness of her statements...well, I did, but there is no convincing my mom of anything, so let me sort this out. She doesn't like MLK, Jr, who left some of the most compelling writing and work in civil rights in the history of our country, because he was unfaithful to his wife. But, she likes two movie stars who, between the two of them, have been involved in drug use, bisexuality, kinky sex, and adultery but because they give lots of money to good causes and have adopted a bunch of kids they are ok, and MLK, Jr isn't?
I hate to say this about my own mother but I think this type of thinking typifies what is really, really wrong with our country...misplaced values. People who sit home and watch American Idol but don't vote; people who are involved with television shows but don't know who their elected officials are or what their government is doing; people who believe the soundbites that come out of anyone...liberal or conservative or who pass forwarded crap around on the internet.
This kind of thinking is what keeps our country from being what our founding fathers wanted it to be. Thomas Jefferson had a point when he said that common men shouldn't have the vote because they didn't have time to keep up with the issues. I almost agree with that.
However, according to his thinking, I wouldn't have had the vote either, so I can't totally go along with it. But, I get what he was saying.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Call me a skeptic.
But, tonight, as I was leaving the chinese restaurant, where I had stopped to take out an order of hot and sour soup, snow began falling. That was about 7:00 and now, more than 2 hours later, it is still falling and sticking. There may be around 1/2" so far.
The snow is very fine, so it probably won't accumulate too much. It's kind of a nice treat on a Friday night, but I am hoping it is gone, or at least off the roads by Monday so we don't miss anymore school.
I am going to make my own Valentines this year (well, I already made and mailed off Rachel's, Ashley's and Aideé's). I thought instead of buying candy this year I would try and make it. Of course, I spent way more money for the ingredients and packaging than I would have if I had just bought some candy! But, this way I get to learn something new.
I am going to make Raspberry Chocolate Candy, Toffee Bites and Chocolate Dipped Caramels with Sea Salt. I bought three cute boxes at Walmart (I had to go there for something else so I just got everything I needed there even though it kills me to shop there) and I am going to package up a box for Mom, Jenny and Abby...if it turns out.
I have printed out a lot of pictures for my classroom tonight and done some work. I have more to do tomorrow and Sunday but this is enough tonight. I have given myself laryngitis from coughing so much from my asthma and my throat hurts. I think I will go take a hot bath, read and go to bed. Since I don't feel well, Neal is taking care of the woodstove detail again tonight.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Fast Trivia Game
Some months I am number one, out of about 20 regular players and some months I am second or even third or fourth.
Today, I am the winner but what is significant about today is that this is the first time EVER that I can remember that I actually knew the answer to each question. Usually I know some of the answers and I make guesses on the rest; sometimes educated guesses, sometimes just plain old guesses. But today I answered the 10 questions in 37 seconds and I knew them all. The category was Literature: Easy.
The only other thing to say for today is that I am having asthma problems and my hand has been hurting, so Neal is taking care of the woodstove choirs today and I am going to take some ibuprofen, a hot bath and then go to bed.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I fell asleep on the couch, after working all day, going to the store, putting away the groceries, cooking dinner and building up the fire.
Then about 9:00 I laid down on the couch.
I forced myself awake an hour or so later to put wood on the fire and I am so sleepy that I can hardly keep my eyes open.
So, it's off to bed and dreamland.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Only Rain

Monday, February 8, 2010
It's Outback Tonight!
After dinner, Sarah, Anne and Neal went home while Mom, John and I went to Barnes and Noble. I bought a coffeetable book about Ireland for my mom's upcoming birthday (she spotted it and dropped a major hint) and I bought the newly rewritten Jane Bryant Quinn's book about personal finance. It weighs a ton. It was 35.00 but if it helps me make some wise financial decisions, it will be more than worth it. Hey, by weight alone I think it was worth it!
Of course, I can think of one good piece of advice to give myself....stay away from Ikea!!! (Actually I am planning a trip there again soon to get two lampshades for above my table, a countertop for the laundry room and a chair and footstool for the bedroom).
And now I have to finish tomorrow's lesson plan because I haven't written it yet and it is 9:31. Actually we may not have school tomorrow because this is the weather map and as you can see there is a big snowstorm (well, some snow but more ice/freezing rain) headed our way. But, I'm not going to chance it...I'm going to write the lesson plan

Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Drive to Reorganize
Tuesday is John's birthday and since Sarah has class on Tuesday night, we are taking him to Outback tomorrow (Monday) night to celebrate his birthday. We invited Mom to come along. It's the best present we could give him and it's a present for us too!
The weather is forecasting more bad weather on Tuesday. I wonder if it will happen or if we will actually be in school all week this week. I have only planned for tomorrow. I had a lot of work I brought home to do but I was busy doing things for the house, so I didn't do it! And since I took a nap this afternoon, it's 11:00 PM and I'm still up. I'll head to bed soon.
The big snow storm left nearly two feet of snow in Washington DC and tomorrow, their schools are open with only a 2 hour delay! I read in the Washington Post that the school system was reluctant to close because so many of their students needed the services they provide, like food, etc. It will be interesting to see how many students and staff are able to get to school; busses aren't even running today and the above ground metro stations were closed.
It's interesting though; we get 6 to 8 inches of snow and we are out of school most of a week; they get 24 and they aren't even closed!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Still Some Snow
Friday, February 5, 2010
Rearranging my Life
I wondered why I had the piano on one side of the table in the sunroom and the seating area on the other side. It didn't really make sense, so I put the piano down by the seating area and kind of used it as a divider between the two areas. I like it, but now I need some large lamp shades so I can hang the lights over the dining room table. I couldn't hang them over before because the table was partly under the ceiling fan. So, I am seeing a trip to Ikea in my very near future.
I didn't take a before picture, but here are a couple of after pictures, including Styles stalking
I also spent quite a bit of time emptying out,
dusting and then moving the large bookcase cabinet in my bedroom. I moved it beside the fireplace. I have plans to put my dresser in it's place and then in the empty corner, eventually get a chair and stool (or chaise) for a reading corner. (Yes, Ikea has just what I need!)
Tomorrow I hope to get to the dresser. Several of the drawers need some repair so this will be the perfect time to do it.
I am going to Tracy's daughter Kathryn's birthday party at 1:00, so I need to get up and get busy in the morning.
We were out of school again today. It snowed some during the night and it turned to rain/sleet. We were projected to receive significant icing today but it didn't really happen. So, this is the fourth day we have missed; our three make-up days have been used, so who knows what will replace this day. It was nice to have the time off. I could get used to this!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I know I have things I want to write about...but I really can't bring them to mind. I am so sleepy.
If I hadn't had to get up and put wood on the fire, I would have stumbled into the bedroom and fallen into bed. But, since I had to load the stove, I need to wait for the wood to catch well before I turn it down for the night, and so, I have the time to write my entry for today.
The only thing of real importance is that my thumb hurts...badly. My right hand has been hurting so much lately. I have an appointment with the orthopedic doctor for Feb. 19 and I'm sure I'll have to go ahead and have the carpal tunnel surgery. I don't want to, but it will be a relief I think. Today I cut out a snowflake and my thumb still hurt an hour later. I have been sleeping with the brace to help relieve the symptoms but it is minimal help. It enables me to get through the night though.
So, I'll check my email and then it is slumber time. We are expecting more bad weather tonight, but we won't know till in the morning whether or not we'll have school, so I've got to go to bed prepared to get up at the regular time.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
This and That
I worked today, sans children. We got some things done and I'm ready for the little darlings tomorrow. We are on a two hour delay though; the roads are very wet and in the morning there will be ice. I will probably try to go in by 8:00.
I have been reading a blog lately called The Lettered Cottage. It is written by a woman in Alabama and the subject is her house and her design business. I love her sense of style and I am almost always interested in reading what she has to say about her house and the renovation it is undergoing. I have actually discovered lots of blogs but there are only a few that I consistently read.
Marty Musselmen (a member of my church) lost her mother today. She said it was peaceful. I know she are thankful for that, but so sad to lose her mom. I am sad for her. I am lucky that my mom is still active and going strong.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A Day at Ikea

Monday, February 1, 2010
And Another Snow Day...
I have been having pain in my right arm and hand. I assumed that is was my carpal tunnel problems becoming unmanageable, but I don't know; my right thumb is actually swollen. I made an appointment for Feb. 19 with the orthopedic doctor anyway. From the days that we are missing from school, I don't think we'll have a spring break anyway, so I might as well go ahead and have the surgery so I can be in camping and kayaking shape by summer.
Still didn't finish the other mitten but I did some cleaning out of old papers and reorganizing in my bedroom today. And some laundry. And dishes. And cook dinner.
Not a lot accomplished, but that's ok.