Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just Saturday

I slept a little bit more last night than the night before...I would almost have had too. I mean, two hours of sleep isn't much to beat.

Mom came by to visit this morning. She had some tea. I showed her pictures from Multicultural Night and Wendy's son's wedding.

There were so many dishes in the sink this morning that it was unbearable to me so I finished loading the dishwasher and then washed the rest of them by hand. I discovered that the octopus hanger with the little hooks makes a good thing to dry plastic bags on.

Yes, I do wash out ziploc bags...if they are not too gross. It seems like such a waste to use one and then just toss it out, for all that plastic to go to the landfill. So, I wash them out and hang them up to dry.

I washed the cot sheets and cleaned a little in my room. Neal had an enormous pile of clothes, which I showed to my mom. Sometimes I want to show people what living with him is like just so they won't think I am a giant bitch when I complain!

Anyway, I am soooooo tired of his big mess everywhere that I told him if the clothes weren't gone by this evening (and I didn't mean tossed in the closet) that I was putting them on the front porch. So, he folded them.

I hate to sound like that, but I am not really sure what other option I have unless I just want to live with it. I have tried ignoring it, hiding it, doing them for him...but nothing matters. Nothing makes a difference. He just tosses them on the floor...dirty on one side, clean on the other. So at least tonight, they are not in the floor. For one night.

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