Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Time Flies

Time just doesn't fly when you are having fun, it just flies. Now it is December, 17 days away from Christmas.

I have no decorations up, no tree up, nothing to indicate it is nearly Christmas except the wrapped gifts on the buffet in the dining room.

I have been busy at work, busy at home, just busy. Although I did get to go shopping at Ikea on Saturday which is like heaven for me. I love being there. I think I'd just like to move in, kind of like that movie where Natalie Portman's character lived in Walmart.

Sarah's bathroom, the project I started in July, is still not finished. Once I get home from work it seems impossible to complete much of anything. For one thing, when I get home from work I usually have more work to do.

Quick update on events: on July 23, on the way to David's and Melissa's house, I rear ended a car on I95 outside of Baltimore and totaled my dear little Subaru. So, no more Rufusmobile...after 230,000 + miles and 12 1/2 years. No one was hurt....I have to keep telling myself that that is the important part.

So, I was car-less until mid September, after Neal got a job. Now I have a Toyota Highlander. I love it, in theory, but I still pine for my Subaru.

On Sept. 29, on her way to school during a horrid rainstorm, Sarah hydroplaned and ran off of I85. She went down an embankment and wrapped around a tree. She broke her left femur and had other minor and not so minor fractures. More about the accident later, but the good news with that is that two months later, she was walking again without even a cane and hardly a limp.

We have had a lot to be thankful for this holiday season.

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