Sunday, May 30, 2010

So Sad...

I just got the news that a fellow TCS coworker died yesterday; Donna Sink, whom I have known for so many years, died in a motorcycle accident.

She was the children's librarian at the library when my kids were little. I have photos of her holding Anne when she was first born, and also with Sarah.

She leaves behind a husband and a daughter who is around Anne's age. I am so sad to think of how quickly life goes away. It's selfish, I know, but at times like this, I think why couldn't someone bad die, instead of someone so wonderful.


  1. You never know what a day holds...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hope you don't mind me posting here, but I found your blog and wanted to share.
    It is so tragic and sad. Last night when I was talking to Jake he said, "Why did Mrs. Sink have to die when there are so many bad people that live forever"? I honestly did not know what to say as I was thinking the same thing myself.

    This is devastating to her family and to everyone who knew her. I will always remember her fondly.
